Three Ways Buyers Find Homes from Mike Novak on Vimeo.

Three Ways Home Buyers Search for Listings

If you’re thinking of putting up your home for sale in Snohomish County, the first thing you’ll want to gain a deep understanding of is your buyer.

Home buyers follow certain trends that are always changing. For example, decades ago, the most popular place buyers would look were compiled paper listings, either in magazines or newspapers. It doesn’t take a genius to know that times and trends have changed, but we wanted to show you some statistics on how buyers are searching for homes today.

Home Buyers Use Google (SEO, PPC) and Social Media

This is the huge area of focus - the online world created by Google, Facebook, and other internet giants. 51% (more than half!) of buyers are browsing listings online. If you consider how prevalent the internet has become, this might not be all to surprising - but what exactly does it mean for listing your home?

It means that, when you list your home, you’ll need an expert in internet advertising and search engine optimization to make sure that your listing stands out. There’s a huge advantage to being found on the first page of google or being advertised on Facebook. If your realtor doesn’t understand that (or know how to compete), you’ll be left behind.

Our website integrates directly with the Washington MLS, offering you exposure with dozens of integrated websites. In addition to that, we spend thousands on monthly advertisements on google and social media that will offer you maximum exposure for your home.

Home Buyers Find Homes Through Their Realtor

34% of home buyers depend on their realtors to find a home. Your agent is your best friend when your a home buyer, and many find it easier to just trust them to find the right home.

This is where a strong network comes into play. The brokerage/team listing your home can leverage connections with other agents to promote your listing. We have a strong network of local and even global agents to whom we’ll promote your Snohomish home!

Home Buyers Use Traditional Methods (Such as Open Houses)

The traditional methods - open houses, print flyers, newspaper ads - are still out there, and they’re still important in marketing and selling your Snohomish County home.  For example, 1 in 10 buyers still find their home through an open house! That’s considering that a small percentage of open houses are as effective as they could be. When we hold an open house, we go all out - read all about it in our blog about Snohomish County open houses.

It’s important to keep these traditional lines of home buying open - you never know who’s looking, and these are methods that have been around for a while.

Sell Your Snohomish County Home

In addition to targeting buyers through these three methods, we want to offer you some other strategy for selling your home in Snohomish county. Reach out below, and we’ll be in touch to go over our free marketing and sales plan with you, as well as offer some current market research!