Dale Kellett, successful buyer’s specialist with The Novak Team, joined the team in October of 2017. His journey to success was not without challenges but he has found his home.


Dale started out as a part time real estate agent and discovered it was very difficult to gain any traction on his own. He found early on that it is a struggle gaining clients and earning peoples trust. Over the course of three and a half years, he estimates he did approximately 18-20 deals in total, with his best year producing 11.


In 2018, his first full year on The Novak Team, he tripled his previous best year. He credits much of his success to the resources afforded to him. As he puts it, “it’s made a world of difference.” In joining the team, he immediately found relief that he did not have to show prospective clients what he had done, because it was in fact very little.


With The Novak Team, he has an abundance of resources and many people to lean on, solidifying his legitimacy as agent, making the amount of experience irrelevant. He feels the number of people and amount of demonstrated expertise on the team is a big reason clients have decided to trust him.


He sought out a career in real estate to leave his previous bar tending job behind him but did not want to jump into a team that was not going to move his career forward. That is when he got lucky and Mike Novak, namesake of The Novak Team, asked around his office and posted on the Facebook page advertising that he was looking to hire buyer’s agents.


The decision was not taken lightly but what really did it for Dale was talking to an agent who had been with the team for a long time. He asked all about the Novak’s, found out what they were doing and if it was going to be worth his time. He heard nothing but encouraging words. What followed was an interview and the rest is history.


Dale found that with The Novak Team he could go all in, 100%, leading him to reach his goal and finally begin his real estate career full-time.  He now enjoys the support of an incredibly motivated team. He really enjoys coming to work and enjoys the comradery and friendship present in the office.


As Dale puts it, “the Novak’s are very protective of the culture they built and are very selective in who they let in.” Everyone is all in all the time and all have the same drive as well as goals. It is a 100% or nothing operation and may not be a fit for everyone.


If you really want to reach your potential, get all the deals that you want, leverage technology and innovation while gaining traction and achieving some market share, there is no other place to be than The Novak Team.

Learn more about our team HERE!

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